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I am Mark. I used to own Youdopia.com, which was a blog in which I wrote about music, comedy, mysticism… basically anything that caught my fancy. It lasted about 5 years, and was pretty successful (success based on traffic, not $).
This site is also an adjunct to my podcast, also called Heart of Markness, which is a Jimmy Page – Led Zeppelin – classic rock podcast. I mainly discuss awesome Zep live recordings, esoteric Jimmy Page performances, or eras, and (maybe) other stuff as it strikes me.
Every Sunday I post a Led Zeppelin/Jimmy Page themed episode, and over the weekend I usually post a bonus episode featuring live performances from other (mostly classic rock) artists.
If you like Robert Anton Wilson, Lou Reed, Led Zeppelin, Mel Brooks, Aleister Crowley, fnord, Eris, and the like.. you may find a home here.